The Studio is a 1000 square foot space which includes two smal carpeted room and one large room with a sprung, Hickory wood floor. Windows overlook the gardens, the pond and the woods
A network of trails runs through the property and into adjoining forest lands. A walk through the "Magic Forest" takes you under braided arches on winding pathways that connect to the "Trilluim Trail".
The lush woods surrounding the property are generously populated with Douglas Fir, Madrone, Dogwood, Pinyon Pine, Huckleberry, Ocean Spray, flowering current, trillium and other native wild flowers.
The natural pond, fed by the seasonal spring, is a feaure of the "Magic Forest". It is home to several salamanders, frogs, water skitters and snakes.
A variety of gardens fill the property withlife and color ranging from vegetable gardens and native plant gardens, to wildlife gardens, flower gardens and berry gardens.