A more complete picture is created, when one begins to look at themselves or others in Laban's terms: how one uses effort in weight, time, space and flow, the designs and shapes one assumes, how one moves through space. Every person has their own movement preferences. LMA offers a means to identify personal movement signatures. Laban Movement Analysis™ is used in teaching dance, training actors, in movement therapy and in physical therapy. Psycho-therapists use the material for diagnosing and treating clients and for conversing with other medical staff. Movement is a window into the psychological aspects of a person. LMA gives us the language to discuss what we see.

Bartenieff Fundamentals is a component of LMA. Irmgard Bartenieff, a protégé of Rudolf Laban, designed a series of exercises which allows the mover and practitioner to analyze the physical function and therefore the potential for expression of the human body. In these exercises, one learns to embody core support and clear joint efficiency. One learns to support a full range of movement choices including simple two dimensional movement as well as more complex three dimensional possiblities. Bartenieff Fundamentals is often referred to as 'adult' developmental movment.